Potentiometer P/N : J 50 S 1 K
Power Rating 1.5 W
Merek : Copal Japan
Copal Potentiometer
- For system for power shovel
- For Scale
- For Drafting machines and NC Machine
- For Level control
- For arm angle detection for cranes
- Pine drive control of chart recorders
- Tension control of tension devices
- Analog Comparator setting
- Standard voltage generator setting
Change in total resistance of less than 5 %.
No mechanical damage.
Doing 5 cycles
Under the test temperature range, a resistance tem per a ture coefficient
of less than ± 50 ppm/°C (0.005 %/°C)
Change in total resistance of less than 5 %.
More than 1.5 times of rated inde pendent linearity.
Peak noise less than 50 Ω.
Less than 1.5 times rated torque
Change in total resistance of less than 5 %.
Less than double rated torque.
No electrical or mechanical con nection problem
Change in total resistance of less than 5 %.
No mechanical damage.